Let’s get to know each other

My story

Hello, I'm Hanna, a psychotherapist, trainer, and supervisor based in Leeds. My journey in psychotherapy is deeply intertwined with my personal and professional experiences, which have shaped my approach to therapy and supervision.

My foray into psychotherapy began almost accidentally when I attended a TA 101 course. This introductory course in Transactional Analysis (TA) captivated me, and I immediately knew I had found my calling. The principles of TA resonated with me deeply, setting the foundation for my career in psychotherapy.

Originally from Ukraine, I moved to Leeds in 2015, a decision that has profoundly influenced my life and work. Leeds has become my home, a place where I have grown both personally and professionally. Relocating to a new country opened my eyes to different frames of reference, and I began to pay close attention to cultural diversity and context. Understanding these differences has enriched my practice, allowing me to connect with clients from various backgrounds and appreciate the unique contexts of their lives.

The war in Ukraine had a significant impact on me, both personally and professionally. This shifted my theoretical paradigm towards existentialism and meaning-making. I became more focused on supporting those in unfortunate circumstances, helping them find meaning and resilience amidst chaos.

Motivated by a desire to support other psychotherapists and counsellors, I decided to become a trainer and supervisor. My goal is to share my knowledge and experience, fostering growth and development in others within the therapeutic community.

My approach to therapy and supervision is highly collaborative and relational. I emphasize real contact in the here-and-now, paying close attention to the context and the stories that have brought us to this point. By fostering a genuine connection, I aim to create a supportive and transformative space for both clients and supervisees.

My qualification

I am a Certified Transactional Analyst in psychotherapy (EATA certificate from 2021). In 2023 I completed the Training Endorsement Workshop (TEW) and started my practice as a supervisor with PTSTA(p) status (registered as a supervisor with the UKCP). I have also completed a Supervision Diploma course. I regularly attend individual and group supervisions and CPD events, as well as regional, national and international professional conferences. I completed the Online Therapy Institute Certified Cyber Therapist course to work online. I also passed the certification program in social psychology and conflict studies at the Kyiv-Mohyla Academy National University.

I am a member of the following professional organizations:

  • UK Council of Psychotherapists (UKCP)

  • UK Transactional Analysis Association (UKATA)

  • European Association for Transactional Analysis (EATA)

  • International Transactional Analysis Association (ITAA)

If you would like to know more or see copies of documents proving my qualifications, please contact me by email and I will be happy to send you all the necessary proofs.

Let’s work together